Sunday, October 20, 2013

October Sky Fall Festival

Yesterday was the festival in Oliver Springs and it was a huge success.  There were lots of vendors and a ton of people came out to enjoy the day.  Janelle Arthur did a show at the park and drew the crowds in.  There was a quilt show at the old depot and a car show in town.

I helped them set up for the quilt show and had three of my quilts in it. One was my very first quilt that I gave my Mother and it survived the fire when her house burnt a few years ago. You can't even tell it was in a fire.

I worked on the binding of another quilt during the festival trying to finish it and finally did after I got home last night.  I have one more binding to go for another finish.

I think I may try to make some items ahead for next year's show to sell.  A few people asked if there were any quilts for sale.  I will need to start now if I am going to do that.  Well that's all for now, better go fix breakfast  for hubby.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Are you ready for fall?

Sorry it has been so long since I last posted.  There has been a lot going on around here.  First the garden really took off and there was lots of  canning going on.  Mom and I put up about 50 plus quarts of beans and we made bread and butter pickles and sweet pickle relish.  We also canned several quarts of tomatoes and about two dozen jars of salsa.  I also put up several bags of okra.

Then there was DH's left knee replacement.  He is doing great with this one.  Wish the first one had went as well.

My Nephew got married on Sunday and Mom and I made their cake.  It was a beautiful fairytale wedding and the kiddos have a wonderful new stepmother that really loves them.

But through all of this I have managed to get some sewing done.  Oklahoma Backroads and Scrappy Mountains are both back from the quilter and ready for binding.  Hopefully I will be working on them this week.  That's all for now.

Happy Quilting Everyone!