Friday, May 31, 2013

Quilting & Gardening Progress

I have all the heart blocks completed and there are 3 rows sewn together. I have 2 more rows sewn and ready to be added to those.  Only 7 more to put together and then borders.  It is coming along nicely.  I need to have it finsihed by the 17th of June. I better get busy!

I haven't made any more progress on Oklahoma Backroads as I set it aside to get the heart quilt completed for the Guild.

The garden is coming along nicely.  We already have little tomatoes on the plants and some baby squash is starting to grow.  I will have lettuce and onions ready to pick in about a week or so.  The okra is slowly growing, seems like everything is slightly stunned this year.  Although the green beans are also coming along nicely.  If everything does as well as last years garden I will be canning lots again. But it will be worth it.

Happy Quilting Everyone!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Quilting and Gardening

I have been both quilting and gardening. It's that time of year when you do both.  Our vegetable garden is slowly coming along.  The new flower garden is also coming along and it has had a little help but not in a good way.  Last night I noticed that the deer have been eating my day lillies. Very bad deer, very bad!  I will have to get something to keep them out of it.

On the quilting side I have been cutting and marking pieces for my quilt for the Hospitality House that our Guild does every year.  The Hospitality House is a place where the cancer patients stay that live several miles away while they go through there treatments.  This years theme is a memory quilt that reminds you of someone that was special to you or inspired you.  I am doing a heart quilt out of mostly florals with lots of purples and yellows in it along with various other colors as well. 

My Uncle was a principal at the local high school and he had a heart of gold and loved flowers, he was also a cancer patient. Our school colors are purple and gold.  My Sister as well as my Grandparents all had hearts of gold and loved flowers also. This quilt will honor all of them as they all had very special place in my life. I can't think of a better way to do so than with a quilt that will go to a cancer patient.

The patients that stay at the Hospitality House get to choose a quilt to use during their treatments and they get to take it with them when they leave. 

On another note, Oklahoma Backroads row's are ready to be pressed and sewn together.  I hope to make lots of progress on both of these this weekend, especially since we have a chance for scattered showers all weekend. The garden can use the water and I can use the time at the machine. 

I will post pictures of both as soon as they are completed.  Have a great weekend.

Happy Quilting Everyone!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Sewing and Gardening

So sorry it's been so long since I posted, but I things have been busy around here.  I have all the blocks complete for Oklahoma Backroads and 10 of the 11 rows sewn together individually.  I hope to have all the rows together this week and be able to start on the borders.  I have already pulled the fabric for them.  I have also pulled out a UFO to finish the borders on to send to Jo at Jo's Country Junction for her quilt drive for the people affected by the plant explosion in Texas.  I hope to finish the borders this week as well. Then I will send it and a package of batting to her and she will quilt it and send it where it needs to go.

We also have everything planted in the garden that will fit in it.  If it does as well as it did last year I will be canning several things again.  If that happens there won't be much time for sewing.  Oh well, it is worth it because canned food does taste awfully good in the winter months.

Happy Stitching Everyone!
