Thursday, October 15, 2015

Another Baby Quilt Finish

I made this baby quilt for one of my friends at work.  She asked  me to make one for her new granddaughter.  She wanted a hello kitty type colorway.  I gave it to her this morning and she was thrilled and very appreciative with it.  I know the parents will be thrilled also.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Summer and Quilting

It's been a while since I last posted.  Lots has happened since March.  Dear Hubby has had two back surgeries and I am happy to report that the second one has been a success so far!

There was lots of canning going on from the garden and very little sewing during that time.  We (Mom and I) put up 84 quarts of green beans, around 37 quarts of tomatoes, several pints of pickle relish and sweet pickled jalapenos (sliced and chopped).  We put several quart bags of okra in the freezer and a few of chopped green pepper, also froze some whole banana peppers and jalapeno peppers.

Canning Pics:

I managed to get a few baby quilts finished.  Pics below:  The yellow is for a couple at church that just had a sweet baby girl named Evie.  The first pink one is for a sweet baby girl named Kennedy that has been through so much sickness in the one year she has been alive.

This one is Mattie's

This one is for "Sweet P".  She was adopted from China by the great couple above holding her quilt.

I have also been making mug rugs to sell at the October Sky Festival in the town I grew up in to raise money for our Church's Women's Conference.  Here are a few of them.  I have several more to finish up before Saturday morning.

Our Fall Retreat is coming up next month at Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky.  I'm ready for it.

Until next time, Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Retreat at Pine Mountain

Connie, Cricket, Myra, Cindy and Karen went to Spring Retreat at Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky. This was Cricket's and Myra's first time to go.  We had a blast just like in November and accomplished a lot. 

I finished two baby quilt tops pictured below and worked on Bonnie Hunter's Bricks and Stepping Stones.

Connie also worked on Bonnie's Bricks and Stepping Stones and well as her Talking Turkey top.

Karen purchased a Easter table runner at retreat and finished it.  She also worked on other projects.

Cindy worked on several projects as well. I didn't get any pictures of what she had. :(

Cricket worked on Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Mountains and some other items.

Myra worked on a project that had been giving her some trouble and a couple of others.

These are pictures of our side of the room.  We had about 35 or so quilters there sewing till their hearts were content.

Can't wait till November for the Fall Retreat!!!

On another note, I cut bunches of tumbler blocks to work on at retreat if I chose to do some hand stitching.  However I didn't lol.  I did however start them while I sat in the waiting room at the hospital while Dear Hubby had back surgery.  This is a picture of my progress the first day.  I have since completed about 36 or so across times two rows and am stitching the rows together before starting the third row.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Retreat and More

Sorry its been so long since the last post.  I just haven't taken the time to do one, so this will hopefully catch you up on all the happenings.

Lets see, the garden was all done in late September and we have lots of goodies in the freezer or canned to last through the winter and beyond.

Logan, the newest addition to the family is now 5 months old and is growing so much.  He has had a rough patch with being sick but hopefully is all better now.

In November some of us from my guild went on retreat to Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky and we had a blast.  Got lots accomplished also. 

View from our Room
Chevron Quilt made at retreat

Christmas quilt made at retreat
UT table runner made at retreat

We will be heading back to the spring retreat there the first of March and will be adding another person to the group that hasn't been before.  She is in for a treat.

That's all for now so everyone have a great day and Happy Stitching!
