Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Family Member

We have a new family member.  His name is Jake and he is about 5 months old.  He is a Jack Russell mix and full of energy.

You may remember that we lost our Maggie in October.  It was just not the same without her there.  So we decided to get another pooch.  He is a rescue and is learning the ropes.  We have had him about a month now and he is already doing tricks.  He can sit, shake and speak when asked.  We are trying to teach him to catch when we throw a ball or food to him also.  Our Maggie did all these things.  He loves to entertain his self.  He gets the toys and throws them and then goes to get them.

He is already getting the sewing habit,. LOL  He has found my bobbins and was chewing on one last night.

He also loves to climb in my lap in the mornings after we go out and get loved on.

Hope he turns out to be as good a dog as our precious Maggie was.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Christmas Projects

Along with finishing the donation quilt for Church and working on the mug rugs I mentioned in a previous post, I was making Christmas ornaments for gifts and for our tree.

Here are a few of the mug rugs that were made by Connie for me.  She pieced the top and some of the backings and bindings and I did the embroidery on them.

Here are a few of the ornaments that I made.

I have several other projects going on and will be posting about them later.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Quilt for Our Women's Conference at Church

If you read the previous post then you saw where I was working on the Dancing Nine Patch at Retreat.  I started this quilt to raise money for our Women's Conference at Church.

Our theme is "Redeemed, Renewed, Restored".  I used men's shirts for this as they fit perfect into out theme.  I made this into a queen sized quilt and everyone was saying they were going to win it. We asked for a $5 donation for a chance to win the quilt.  We were able to raise a lot of money with it and everyone involved was very pleased.

Here is the finished quilt.

This is my friend and quilting buddy Connie and I holding it up at our guild meeting.
Your not going to believe this but Connie actually won the quilt when we had the drawing. LOL  She was in disbelief the whole time until I took it to her.  We asked if she wanted us to draw again and she replied "are you crazy, I'm keeping it". Who can blame her, I bet several others would have done the same.  She did say she might make one for us to use as another donation quilt.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

Monday, January 18, 2016

November Retreat at Pine Mountain

A few of us go to Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky the first full weekend in November for Retreat.  As usual we have a great time.  Below are some pics from it.

Karen and Cindy
 My Dancing Nine Patch in progress. This is a Bonnie Hunter Pattern.

Kay, Karen and Linda (with her back to us)

Dancing Nine Patch parts and pieces


Karen and the back of Verilyn's head

Karen, Cindy and Verilyn (with her back to us)

Kay, Karen and Linda again

Connie's workstation and Bull's Eye parts and pieces
Connie's finished Bull's Eye top - Its beautiful
Karen's Rail Fence Top - Gorgeous

Chit Chatting
Cricket hard at work on her Wintersburg t

Connie acting like a nut LOL


That's all for retreat reporting!  Happy Stitching Everyone!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Our Precious Maggie

We had to give up our precious Maggie in October.  It was the hardest thing I have ever done.  She was a little over 15years old and we have had her since she was 2-1/2 months old.  She was my baby.

She was diagnosed with the beginning stages of kidney failure in the Spring of 2014.  We changed her diet to a low protein one and she lived another year and a half.  She was the sweetest Cocker Spaniel and I miss her terribly.

The first pic is when she could still see and hear and was begging for a pizza bone (pizza crust).  She loved them.  The second pic is after she had an bath and she wasn't feeling good.

Rest in Peace Sweet Maggie!!!!!