Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

Hello Everyone, sorry it has been a while since I last posted but a lot has been going on around here.
Dear Hubby had a knee replacement the first of the month so I spent almost two weeks taking care of him before returning to work.  He is doing great on his recorvery. 

Then there was finishing shopping for Christmas and the baking and cooking, you all know the routine.  We did have a very good Christmas this year.  I have to brag on him because he got me something I have had my eye on for a good while now.  It is a 1950 Singer Featherweight and I am one happy gal.  Can't wait to figure out how to get the bobbin out of it so I can change from red thread to neutral and do some sewing.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas this year!!!!

Happy Stitching Everyone!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Sewing Up a Storm

Sorry it's been so long since I posted.  I have been busy, lots going on around here.  Leaves to be blown and a garden to take down and all that good stuff.

I have however managed time for sewing and quilting.  I made 4 pillowcases for our guild that went to ADFAC and I managed to get my blocks for the block drawing finished in time. 

I also have been working on a very special project for Christmas.  Sorry I can't reveal to much about it just in case the person it's for stumbles across my blog.  I will post pics after Christmas with the story. 

I have also made 2 of the 3 pillowcases for the great neice and nephews for their Christmas and I have a pillow to make for the youngest great nephew, as he is not big enough for a regular pillow yet.  I also have my fabric for their stockings that have to be made and hung on the mantle at Mom's for Christmas.  I am going to embroidery their names on the pillowcases and stockings for them.

I hope this will be a very good Christmas for the little ones!!!

Happy Quilting Everyone!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Maggie's Back to Normal

My baby is back to her old self.  She is running and playing ball and wagging her tail again.  So glad that she is feeling lots better.  She really gave us a scare.

Fall is my favorite time of year and it makes me want to stay home instead of having to go to work.  It would be nice to just be able to go to the mountains and enjoy the leaves.  It is peak season in the Smokies now. 

All the fall colors are making me want to start my maple leaf quilt that I have been putting off for years.  But it will have to wait a little longer as I have 3 others in progress (all Bonnie Hunter's) and a binding to sew on another one. 

I am in the cleaning mood at home and there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything that I would like to do.  I am getting to work on my hexagons a little each night though. 

Happy Quilting Everyone!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bad Weekend

Mom was keeping our Cocker Spainel "Maggie" for us because DH had to bring our niece's dog home with him and Maggie doesn't get along so well with other dogs since her back surgery a few years ago.

On Saturday I called Mom to see how she was and she said that Maggie was not acting right, very restless and whinning.  Maggie does not whin so that had my attention.  I ended up going to check on her and taking her to the vet.  He was leaning toward her back again but we are not sure that is all of it.  But he gave her two shots and sent meds home for her.  She was still restless and whining through the rest of the day.  She finally ate about 7pm on Saturday night and at 4am Sunday morning I was up with her as she lost all of her food that she had ate.  Needless to say I was a worried Mom.  I laid in the floor beside her from then to about 8:30 am.  She is luckily feeling better this morning and that has some of the worry off of me.

She is 12 years old and such a sweet baby.  Not looking forward to the day I have to give her up!!!!

With that going on this weekend there wasn't much sewing going on.  I did manage to do some hand sewing on my hexagon pieces that way I could stay upstairs and keep an eye on Maggie.

Happy Quilting Everyone!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sewing Away!

After work lastnight I ran by my local quilt shop and picked up a couple of pieces to go in another project when I get to it.  Then after supper I went down to the sewing room (aka basement) and was able to finish another 12 blocks on the the Star Struck quilt.  That makes a total of 19 out of 90 complete.  I know I still have alot more to go but I am thinking of setting it 9 by 10 so I will need that many. 

I hope to be able to do at least that many more tonight but we'll see.  I may have to sew more strips together and cut the block sections before I can make many more.  I also noticed that I need to add a few more greens and neutrals for more variety in the quilt.

Hope you all have a great hump day!!!

Happy Quilting Everyone!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Busy Weekend

Saturday Dear Hubby and I moved a bed to our neice's then came home and I worked some on "Orca Bay"  - Bonnie's mystery from last fall. 

Sunday I set Orca Bay aside and started working on "Star Struck" from the class we took the weekend before.  I am slowly making progress on it.  I will post pics when I get a little further along.

I also cleared off the pepper plants in the garden and have lots more to can for the winter.  I even got  a few green tomatoes which Hubby was glad to see.  He really likes them fried with okra.

I am trying to sew at least 30 minutes every night when time allows.  How about you, have you set aside some time to sew?

Happy Quilting Everyone!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Adventures with Bonnie Hunter

Last weekend my friend Cricket and I ventured to the Blue Grass Quilt Festival in Shepherdsville, KY.  We attended two workshops with Bonnie Hunter.  The first was Oklahoma Backroads and the second was Star Struck.  Pictures of both are below. 

Oklahoma Backroads blocks
Star Struck Blocks
We had a blast with Bonnie.  She is the best instructor and very giving of her time and knowledge.  Can't wait to do it again.  We also had to have a little fun since it was football Saturday and we wore our orange and white!  Go Big Orange!!!!!

Me and Cricket and a lady from Cumberland Gap were the three UT Fans in class!
If you ever get the chance to take a workshop with Bonnie, you won't be disappointed. She is simply the best in my book and we thanked her by giving her a t-shirt like the ones we wore Friday. It said "Mess with my fabric and I will rip your seams out". Everyone wanted to know where to get them. Lookout Hen Feathers Quilt Shop, I think we started something. LOL...

Us at Mark's Feed Store near Louisville, Ky
After all was packed up on Saturday, seven of us went to Mark's Feed Store for Kentucky BBQ. More fun and laughing going on here also.

Happy Quilting Everyone!!!