Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Retreat Weekend

The first full weekend in November and in March are our Retreat Weekends at Pine Mountain State Park.  I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to go for the last two years for both weekends.  But this year had a snag. 

My Dear Sweet Hubby had major back surgery the first week of October.  He was doing great, then the end of the 3rd week of October he wound up with an infection.  Thanks to our awesome God, it was not staff, strep or MRSA.  It was just a common infection that most of us carry in our bodies.  He was on IV antibiotics until the 19th and everything is clear and he is good to go. 

So with all of this going on I had to cancel almost all of my retreat.  I did manage to go up on Saturday and spend the day with my quilting friends and work on a few projects.
Here are some pics from retreat - enjoy!

Teresa at the restaurant



Wanda and bag she made

Happy Karen!
Cindy waving Hi!

Maggie working diligently on Pineapple Blossom

Me working on Celtic Solstice
My Celtic Solstice blocks.

Kay's Pineapple Blossom
Sassy busy as a bee!                         Julie hard at it.
Happy Stitching Everyone!

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