Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope that your new year got off to a great start.  I spent mine working on Clue # 3 and # 4 of Bonnie Hunter's En Provence Mystery Quilt. Then I slept through the ball dropping lol.  We were supposed to go out with friends but hubby wasn't feeling the best so we stayed home.

I am finished with Clue # 4, Clue # 5 and I started pulling strips for Clue # 6.  I hope to have it finished by Friday and then start on to the next clue.

Oh we also had a sew day on Friday the 30th and I finished Clue # 2 and started on Clue #3.

My Friend Connie working on Clue # 2

Clue # 1 Complete - It was finished before our sew day.

Clue # 2 in Progress, it's complete now.

Strips for Clue # 3, this clue is complete just forgot to take a picture of it.
Clue # 4

Clue # 5 Complete except for pressing.
I also managed to quilt a Spring Turning Twenty that I had pieced some time ago and has been waiting to be quilted.

I hope to put another quilt on my Lucey and quilt it by the weekend.  Wish me luck!!

Happy Stitching!

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