Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Calling All Scraps

Good Morning Everyone! 

I am part of a ministry at my church called Ministries in Motion, Inc. (MIMI) and I am starting a quilting ministry as a part of MIMI.  It is called Faith, Hope, Love.  We will be making comfort quilts for members, non-members, etc that may be dealing with cancer or other serious health issues, someone that may have a death in the family, or someone that is just going through a really hard time and needs a little comfort and to know that they are loved. 

We are just starting out and would appreciate any donation of quilting fabric, scraps, that you don't want anymore.  If you are interested in helping us please comment on this post and include your email address.

I hope you all have a very blessed day!

Happy Stitching!

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