Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Quilt for Our Women's Conference at Church

If you read the previous post then you saw where I was working on the Dancing Nine Patch at Retreat.  I started this quilt to raise money for our Women's Conference at Church.

Our theme is "Redeemed, Renewed, Restored".  I used men's shirts for this as they fit perfect into out theme.  I made this into a queen sized quilt and everyone was saying they were going to win it. We asked for a $5 donation for a chance to win the quilt.  We were able to raise a lot of money with it and everyone involved was very pleased.

Here is the finished quilt.

This is my friend and quilting buddy Connie and I holding it up at our guild meeting.
Your not going to believe this but Connie actually won the quilt when we had the drawing. LOL  She was in disbelief the whole time until I took it to her.  We asked if she wanted us to draw again and she replied "are you crazy, I'm keeping it". Who can blame her, I bet several others would have done the same.  She did say she might make one for us to use as another donation quilt.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

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