Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Family Member

We have a new family member.  His name is Jake and he is about 5 months old.  He is a Jack Russell mix and full of energy.

You may remember that we lost our Maggie in October.  It was just not the same without her there.  So we decided to get another pooch.  He is a rescue and is learning the ropes.  We have had him about a month now and he is already doing tricks.  He can sit, shake and speak when asked.  We are trying to teach him to catch when we throw a ball or food to him also.  Our Maggie did all these things.  He loves to entertain his self.  He gets the toys and throws them and then goes to get them.

He is already getting the sewing habit,. LOL  He has found my bobbins and was chewing on one last night.

He also loves to climb in my lap in the mornings after we go out and get loved on.

Hope he turns out to be as good a dog as our precious Maggie was.

Happy Stitching Everyone!


  1. A house that has lost it's pet is too empty...I'm amazed you lasted without a pup as long as you husband and I only lasted 8 weeks when we lost our cats within 6 weeks of each other.
    May you have many happy years with Jake.

    Joanne in MA

    1. Joanne, we only made it about 8 weeks also as we lost Maggie close to the middle of October and we got Jake the week before Christmas. Even though we have him and he is very loving, I still miss Maggie bunches. Happy Stitching! Anna
