Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Retreat at Pine Mountain

Connie, Cricket, Myra, Cindy and Karen went to Spring Retreat at Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky. This was Cricket's and Myra's first time to go.  We had a blast just like in November and accomplished a lot. 

I finished two baby quilt tops pictured below and worked on Bonnie Hunter's Bricks and Stepping Stones.

Connie also worked on Bonnie's Bricks and Stepping Stones and well as her Talking Turkey top.

Karen purchased a Easter table runner at retreat and finished it.  She also worked on other projects.

Cindy worked on several projects as well. I didn't get any pictures of what she had. :(

Cricket worked on Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Mountains and some other items.

Myra worked on a project that had been giving her some trouble and a couple of others.

These are pictures of our side of the room.  We had about 35 or so quilters there sewing till their hearts were content.

Can't wait till November for the Fall Retreat!!!

On another note, I cut bunches of tumbler blocks to work on at retreat if I chose to do some hand stitching.  However I didn't lol.  I did however start them while I sat in the waiting room at the hospital while Dear Hubby had back surgery.  This is a picture of my progress the first day.  I have since completed about 36 or so across times two rows and am stitching the rows together before starting the third row.

Happy Stitching Everyone!

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