Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Retreat and More

Sorry its been so long since the last post.  I just haven't taken the time to do one, so this will hopefully catch you up on all the happenings.

Lets see, the garden was all done in late September and we have lots of goodies in the freezer or canned to last through the winter and beyond.

Logan, the newest addition to the family is now 5 months old and is growing so much.  He has had a rough patch with being sick but hopefully is all better now.

In November some of us from my guild went on retreat to Pine Mountain State Park in Kentucky and we had a blast.  Got lots accomplished also. 

View from our Room
Chevron Quilt made at retreat

Christmas quilt made at retreat
UT table runner made at retreat

We will be heading back to the spring retreat there the first of March and will be adding another person to the group that hasn't been before.  She is in for a treat.

That's all for now so everyone have a great day and Happy Stitching!



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