Friday, March 22, 2013


I am slowly making progress on the Oklahoma Backroads quilt which was the second one we did at the Bluegrass Quilt Festival in Kentucky with Bonnie.  I have 25 of the 110 blocks complete.  I should complete another 10 tonight.  I have to cut more 2-1/2" lights to be used in the block construction as it is taking more of them than anticipated.  I hope to get several more blocks completed over the weekend as well.

I have also started back to work on my hexagon quilt.  This is slow going as well, especially since I don't work on it that much.  It is all being made from batiks with white setting hexies.  I ran out of the white ones and am having to make more.  I am going to try to work on it at least a few hours each week if possible.  But that goal may get pushed aside when we start planting the garden.

Don't know about you all but I am soooo ready for warm weather.  I am over this cold stuff!!!!!

Happy Stitching,

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